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Seirus Neosock

rated 5.0 of 5 stars
photo: Seirus Neosock liner sock

These socks are great when extra warmth and dryness is needed.


  • Warm


  • Not 100% waterproof

If you are like me and have made the switch to trail runners from boots and don't ever want to go back these are great. I've been using these on day hikes with my trail runners. It's been in the 40's and they have kept my feet warm and mostly dry.

While not 100% waterproof very little moisture has gotten through the seams. I have felt some moisture penetrate the seams, but it is wicked away soon after. I would not wear them alone so I have been putting a really light, thin running sock on under them as a liner.

I highly recommend these for anyone trying to push their non-WP trail shoes farther out in shoulder seasons. I will also use them in camp to keep my feet warmer as they hold a lot of heat. I said that not being 100% waterproof is a con, but I knew they weren't going into this so it was not a con for me because they actually breath unlike most waterproof material. 

Update:  Used these for an off-trail adventure this weekend. This included a trek over a beaver dam in the pouring rain in 40° temps. Needless to say my feet were soaked. But these did just what I had hoped. Kept my feet warm and dried while I hiked.  

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: 20$

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Price MSRP: $24.99
Historic Range: $24.99
Reviewers Paid: $20.00
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