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Starter Aqua Shell

rated 4.0 of 5 stars

starter aqua shell waterproof jacket blue:

I have used this jacket at work as a second layer under my Coleman parka with two t-shirts under the jacket. I work outside for 4 to 8 hours in heat, cold and rain. With that combination I have been in 40° weather and I was sweating.

I do believe this jacket will keep you dry for awhile, but I believe saturation will happen at some point after 2 to 4 hours or more steady rainfall. This has not happened to me, but I did notice a few times I wore it the wrist did get a little wet. Understand any material other than pvc will most likely saturate through at some point it's just how long.

For the price I got this jacket at in the off-season for under $15 at wal mart it was a great buy. Definitely windproof and I would label it water resistant. I do like the aqua shell type jackets like this, they work well for my lifestyle and as a secondary layer work jacket. In case freezing rain does get inside there is a second waterproof/resistant layer.

I do wish this type of jacket offered a snug type hood with good field of vision with same aqua shell type material. 

Price Paid: $15 At Wal mart during off season clearance rack

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Price Reviewers Paid: $15.00

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