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Black Diamond NightRay

rated 4.0 of 5 stars

The NightRay has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best headlamps for 2024.

photo: Black Diamond NightRay headlamp

This light adds to the features found in the Moonlight headlamp by adding a "focused" led. Frankly, I can't tell the difference between this added lamp being on or not. There is slightly more available light than the Moonlight, but I question whether this really makes a difference in real-world applications. The three brightness settings are nice for reading in a tent or working around the campsite. The headlamp is very light and easy to wear--you won't notice you have it on unless you are lying down, at which time the battery pack becomes noticeable. An additional attraction is the knowlege that one set of batteries really will last throughout a month-long trip. A decade ago this was a dream.

I find myself using the NightRay around the house and when working on my car and it has become a "must have" for power-outages during tornado and hurricane events.

Price Paid: $36?

The Night Ray has proven itself very reliable in wet and cold conditions. The batteries last for a long time but when they get low there is a big difference for the last 100 hours of bat. life and the first 50.

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Price Historic Range: $15.53-$39.95
Reviewers Paid: $36.00