Helsport Ringstind Superlight 1-2

A tent that does what it is supposed to do, very well.
- Weight
- Durability
- Quality
- Small for two people
- Small outside storage space
- Expensive
Used it in the forest and mountains in Norway. It is easy to set up and take down, even in quite windy conditions. I did not have any problems being stuck in the tent because of the weather. Some might find it too small, I like it. Dual skin and good ventilation.
It weighs just 2 lb. or 0,96 Kg
It is not an expedition tent. It is a lightweight no nonsense tent.
It does not have lights built in to the tent pole.
It does not charge your cellphone.
But it is a excellent 1 (2) man tent that does what it is intended to do, very well.
Quite expensive.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $600
[Google Translate: A very suitable single backpack camping tents, compression volume is very small. It can be used alone accounts.]
- 只有0.98kg重,这样的重量非常吸引人。[Only 0.98kg weight, so the weight is very attractive.]
- 空间足够一人使用。[Enough space for one person.]
- 做工精细。[Workmanship.]
- 价格确实贵。[The price is really expensive.]
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: 1400RMB