Maxpedition Sabercat

Maxpedition makes a larger lumbar hip pack and multipurpose bag called the Sabercat Versipack.
It is a lumbar type pack it also has the ability to stow the belt harness and also take a regular shoulder strap. Also it can be a hand bag based on it's SRB type handle. It is covered with many mil spec webbing attachment points. You can use Tac Ties or other Molle web attachment devices to get use out of these. There are a hundred ways to use this bag, that is why they call it a Versipack.
It has 5 compartments for either electronic gear and or other survival gear. It is a common choice for bug out bags on the small side. It is fairly large though at 16 inches wide x 10 inches tall x 9 inches deep. Drain grommets on bottom of each larger compartment.
It has become my every day carry bag and also is a first choice for hiking with camera gear and necessary food and hydration items. It is a great bag for day to day work things as well. I keep a small tool kit and self medical supplies in it. Also technical things I need for the job as well.
The bag will handle a full size DSLR and also take some lenses. You can throw in water and food also if you have a free area. I padded mine a bit more on the bottom for camera gear. The side pouches take full size USGI canteens and or other 32 oz sized bottles.
The 1000 Denier and waterproofed fabric is stout and handles. various elastic cords and adjustable webbing allow for more exterior storage of clothes or other small pouches.
Opinion is that it is large enough for what matters most on a trail. Small enough to not be in the way. Use it hard!
Price Paid: $80
This pack is absolutely perfect. Lots of room for anything that you'll NEED. I tend to pack a bit on the heavy side. Added shoulder suspenders and had no discomfort or fatigue at all. Lots of useful compartments and plenty of room for add-ons, ie: water bottle, first aid, etc. Simply put, you won't be disappointed.
- Durable, durable, durable!
- Great organization.
- Bigger than it looks.
- Not a long trek pack
Very useful in any aspect. Maxpedition is no bobo junk. This is high quality stuff. Every pocket and compartment is useful and well placed.
Can withstand A LOT of weight with just some added shoulder straps.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: about $120 new (well worth the $)