Therm-a-Rest Trail

The Trail has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best self-inflating sleeping pads for 2025.

First of all, I'd like to point out that I bought this pad because of the price, and nothing else. In my opinion, as a side sleeper, this product is not worthy of sleeping on for a comfortable night.
Hey, I'm 6'1" and about 185 lbs, so I'm not the lightest guy in the world. The only way I can get comfortable is to sleep on my back, otherwise my hips/shoulder/arm dig into the tundra below. Believe me, you don't want to be within a half mile of me when I sleep on my back.
If you are a back sleeper, it's an alright pad so despite the lack of thickness, this pad could deliver plenty of comfy nights rest. I continue to use the pad, however, because I perform most of my backcountry escapades solo, and no bear, moose, or mountain critter will come close to my camp with the amount of wood that I saw. If I'm going out with a friend, I'll ask them if they have an extra pad every time.
Oh yeah, I can inflate the little bugger in 3 seconds without having to wait for it to inflate by itself, which it does as long as you store it inflated (it does remember) between adventures. I am a windbag by trade, though.
Price Paid: $40 US
I've used this sleeping pad for a few years now, and it's endured its share of abuse. It's been slept on over 100 nights in a dirty tent and on floors, as well as folded up and propped against rocks or the bare ground as a make-shift chair cushion.
I haven't followed any of the care instructions--I've scrubbed it with detergent, over-inflated it, and improperly stored it (scrunched tightly in its containment bag) for most of the time I've owned it. In spite of all this abuse, the pad works as good as the day I bought it.
I use a small size. I'm 6'3", 190 pounds, but the small covered me from my head to below my butt, and that's all I really need on the pad to feel comfortable. I can fit the pad into a storage bag roughly the same size as a Nalgene.
When I eventually destroy the pad, I'll replace it with the Trail Lite.
Price Paid: $30 CDN
I recently went on a camping trip where I took both this mattress and an inflatable mattress that needs a pump. The first night I used this mattress, it was not very comfortable, partly because I was on an angle. The second night I used the bigger mattress which was much more comfortable.
This Thermarest Trail mattress is comfortable, though. It is great for backpacking. I was sleeping in a small tent and it did not take up a lot of room. I do recommend it.
Price Paid: $49.99
I'm 5'11", 180(5) lbs. You won't be able to sleep on one side the entire night at this weight, but this 1lb. 8oz. pad is just light and comfortable enough to become a must-have item.
I usually find myself on exposed granite or tucked away beneath a tree on top of roots, and the addition of this pad has helped me drift away sooner and wake up more refreshed the following morning.
I wasn't sold on the notion of a sleeping pad for the longest of time, but I'm glad I picked this one up.
Price Paid: $27
Maybe I got a bad one but mine leaked on its 2nd trip. That sucked because I was already cold and wet and at 7,500 feet on Mt Adams that wasn't fun. I just slept on my dry clothes and it kinda worked.
I sleep easily. I'm going to get a RidgeRest, cheaper, lighter, won't leak.
Price Paid: $25
I bought this Therm-A-Rest because of the price. Great quality for small price! Packs small, inflates large and comfortable. Sleeping on that thing was the most comfortable I've ever been while camping!!! No regrets.
Price Paid: $35
got this pad 2 weeeks ago and it woorks good. i wouldnt recomend sleeping with it outside without a tent because the fabric gets hle easily. other than that its a great product.
Price Paid: 32.95
Okay, I don't have the Therm-A-Rest, I have the Cabela's brand (basically a Therm-A-Rest with their name on it). I can't believe the qaulity. Excellent product and I highly recommend it.
Price Paid: $17
It is comfortable, lightweight, and packs down nice. It is good for backpacking.
Price Paid: $30
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