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Wiggy's Super Light

rated 4.0 of 5 stars
photo: Wiggy's Super Light 3-season synthetic sleeping bag

I've read a lot of comments about Wiggy's bags posted here. To give a bit of backround on my review, I sold Wiggy's bags in Rochester, NY, at the now defunct Tent City. They were a really popular bag when I sold them. This was between 1994 and 1997. In 1994 I bought a Superlite with the desert liner.

The bag has performed for me very well. I used to test the bags we had as displays, and I tested the Superlite before I bought mine. In 5F temperatures (measured with a minimal reading thermometer) using a gore-tex bivy as an overbag, a thermarest standard long as a ground pad, and wearing military weight polypro with a hat, I was comfortable.

I weigh 130lb and I sleep very cold, so I was impressed with the bag.

Of the 40 or so Wiggy's bags I personally sold at Tent City, only one ever came back on a warranty. The person who returned the bag said it was "defective" when it was washed and dried. I saw the return and it looked like the bag was dried in the dryer with heat (a big no-no) with the liner bag attached (another no-no). Jerry did replace that bag.

My bags each had a warranty problem. Both the draw cords for the hood pulled out of the bag where they are sewn to the liner material (bags loaned out to "friends"). I didn't have any problems getting them repaired or returned.

Some people will complain about a few things on Wiggy's bags. One being the zipper size and another being the lack of the draft collar for the Superlight. Zippers are one thing you don't want to ever have to think about when you have a cold weather bag. This is the mind set of the manufacturer. A cold weather bag that doesn't close isn't worth much. My zippers have yet to fail. The sliders haven't worn down and split (which cheaper metal sliders will do) The other nice thing about the bags' zippers is that all the bags are completely mateable. This years 20F bag will mate with my 0F from 1994.

The lack of a draft collar for the Superlight is sort of frustrating. The earlier FTRSS (flexible temperature rated sleeping system) had a liner bag that went inside the heavier bag. This liner bag didn't have a hood and was a functional draft collar on the old 2 bag system. When Wiggy's went to the outer bag, the hood now had double the insulation and the liner bag was a bit roomier for the summer, but you didn't have a pseudo draft collar. The argument from Wiggy as to why there is no draft collar on a Superlight is probably lack of need. The draping characteristics of the bag are good enough to forego the expense of the collar. As a note, the Ultima Thule (-20F rating) does have an elastic cord that draws around the neck area, though it is not a tube of insulation, per se.

I never really missed it. If it was cold enough to draw the cord tight around my face I didn't really need the draft collar around my neck.

The only other complaint I've heard about that I haven't addressed is the lack of loft the bag undergoes over the years. I haven't had any lofting issues with my bags. Washing the bags definitely helps. It also helps to know what the bag's intial loft is from the manufacturer. Double check the catalog. It also helps if you store the bag uncompressed. Leaving the bag in the stuff sack fully compressed for a month or two won't kill your bag, but leaving it fully compressed for a year or two and then expecting it to loft up like new is a bit too much. (Wiggy's claims that an Ultima Thule will loft back to 90% of its original specs from a blister packing under 20 tons of pressure)

I agree with any consumer who has a new bag, clean, and stored uncompressed who doesn't get their advertised loft and who wants their money back. I would like to put this issue in perspective with other sleeping bag manufacturers. I think the Wiggy's bag is a good, no frills, solid performer at the stated temperature rating. You would be hard pressed to get your money back from most (85%) manufacturers if you told them you put your sleeping bag in a top loading washing machine, or to get your zipper or draw cord replaced on the bag five years after you bought it. (few bags carry a lifetime warranty and those that do often will say that the material was not defective it was worn with use, so you still pay for the repair).

So here I'm speaking from 8 years of outdoor retail experience with four years experience selling the product and 9 years experience using the product. I've spoken with Wiggy before while I worked at Tent City. He is a bit much sometimes. Politically we are nothing alike. But from my experience he builds a quality, US made product that hasn't really gone up in price since 1994 when I was selling the bags. He was considerate enough in his business practice to return my phone calls when he could not speak to me personally, and went to great lengths to answer my questions regarding a lot of technical minutia. I have no vested commercial interest in his business. I actually don't know any places that retail his bags anymore. I do have an interest in people buying good equipment at a reasonable price.

The outdoor industry spends a lot of advertising dollars on a lot of miracle improvements that are unnecessary or unquantified. And every year basic camping supplies keep increasing in price. It's a challenge to get good techincal specs on products nowadays that are verifiable. I hope to increase a consumer's confidence in a product I have experience and faith in. Stay warm.

Design: mummy
Fill: Lamilite
Temperature Rating: 0 F
Weight: 4lb
Price Paid: $179

I ordered a Wiggy Superlight directly from the Wiggy factory a year and a half ago. Immediately upon receipt of the bag, I gave it a shake-up/puff-up to let to loft up to its maximum possible. After a few hours, I came back to measure the loft, but to my dismay it only had half of the specified loft. The Wiggy catalog says it should have 6" of loft, but I got only 3". The bag was a clear case of flat-on-arrival.

I sent the bag back to the Wiggy factory for a replacement and was very promptly shipped a replacement bag. I went through the same routine of checking the loft. This time the loft was at a lofty 3.5" when it should have been 6". Additionally, there were several problems with this replacement bag. First, it was of the wrong size. I bought and returned a regular size, but the Wiggy factory shipped a replacement to me that was a wide body extra large size that weighed a whole pound more than the regular size. Now, this new size weighed a whopping 5 lbs. Secondly, there were countless translucent white flakes clinging to the inside lining of the bag. The tiny white flakes "looked" like skin flakes. It could just be dirt from the factory floor, who knows, but they sure looked like skin flakes. It was pretty gross. I honestly reported all of this on the Backpacker Magazine's Basecamp website and Jerry Wigutow, the owner of Wiggy's, jumped in and accused me of being a liar. I also reported that I didn't like the fact my Wiggy Superlight bag rated to 0 deg. F didn't have a draft collar. Mr. Wiggy then chewed me out publicly. I then promptly returned this defective replacement bag for a full refund.

For the record, I didn't have any problems with getting a refund from him. Both times when I returned the bags, I spoke with a woman who was courteous and pleasant and didn't give me any trouble. Several other people who spoke with Jerry Wigutow personally got the famous Wiggy abuse from him. Also, I returned my bags after someone on the BACKPACKER publicly reported their horror experience with Jerry Wigutow. That might have prompted him to give me an easy refund.

I didn't actually get to use either of the bags in the field. I was dumb enough to order from Wiggy, but I was not dumb enough to use an obviously flat bag and put my life in potential jeopardy in the field. From what I could see, the contruction is crude. He uses a HUGE and mightly heavy zipper on all his bags. It might make sense to use this kind of heavy duty zipper on a -20 deg. bag, but on a 0 deg. or +20 deg. bag, the zipper is way overkill and makes everything too heavy. I believe Wiggy chose this large zipper because he believes that it would glide freely even in Arctic cold conditions, but a 0 deg. bag is not to be used in Arctic conditions. Also, the lack of a draft collar on his bags is in my opinion a serious flaw in design for a 0 deg. bag. Wiggy obviously thinks otherwise. Wiggy doesn't take criticisms kindly.

Design: mummy
Fill: Lamilite
Temperature Rating: 0 F
Weight: 4 lbs.
Price Paid: $166 USD

I own three of Wiggy's SuperLight bags. I bought the first a couple of decades ago when I was still taking scouts to Philmont. The other two were purchased about twelve years ago when my wife and I wanted matching bags.

All three bags are still in regular service. All have been through the wash many times. The loft is still what I remember it being when they were new. The zippers on all three still work great (they seem to be bombproof though they are large and can create lumps when packed). No blowouts, rips, worn out fabric, or other problems.

I love these bags. The first one I purchased is a regular size so it is a trifle snug these days. Yes, my loft has increased as I've grown older! The other two were purchased with the wide option and are quite comfortable even in very cold weather. They drape around the body very well and the loft is consistent throughout the bag. My wife sleeps cold, especially her feet, but these bags keep the feet warm. We zip them together fairly often but with the good drape they work well.

Best part? They work when they're wet. No, they're obviously not as warm but if I have to use a wet sleeping bag, this is the one I want. They're not the lightest and there is nothing fancy about them but they work. Given the length of time that I've used these, I'd recommend them highly.

Design: mummy
Fill: lamilite
Temperature Rating: 0 F
Weight: ~ 3 - 4 lbs
Price Paid: ~$140

It is warm. Will work even if damp outside. You can order the size you want for plenty of space inside the bags.


  • Wash it in your washing machine.
  • Fluffs up easily.
  • These bags last forever.


  • As compared to the down bags, they are a bit bulky. They make up for that by being super warm and built to last.

I got my bags direct from Wiggy's. I got the Superlight and overbag for it. This gives me a summer bag and a winter bag for most of my camping.  Put the summer bag over the winter bag (both are designed to fit) and that should be comfortable for any dead of winter camping I will ever do. 

Had a question on the zippers and emailed it in on a Sunday. Within an hour I had the solution email back from the CEO. Turns out I misread the instructions. It was awesome customer service. Wiggy's manufactures their own garments here in the USA. Grand Junction, CO, to be exact.

This is one time when buying American is cheaper for what you get. I have ordered several items since then by email. Fast shipping, really happy with the products.

Dave Reid

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: Forgot the price it was on sale and included shipping. Heck of a deal.

Bought the bag from for $152.60 delivered. The other night, the temperature was 4 degrees.  I figured it would be a perfect chance to test the bag. I went out on the patio, unrolled my Thermarest and unstuffed my Wiggys bag and got in it. 

I figured I would try it out for about an hour then go back inside the house. I unintentionally fell asleep and was awaken by the daylight about four hours later. I was toasty warm the entire time. I mean not just comfortable but WARM. 

I'm very pleased with the bag. I've read some of the other reviews of this bag and find it hard to believe some of the negative things some people have said about it as far as the temp rating, loft, ect. I mean I store my bag in its stuff sack compressed about as tight as I can get it and had no problem being completely warm at 4 degrees out in the open with no wind protection.

Price Paid: $152.60 free shipping

I've used the 0 degree Superlight down to 6 degrees, and it worked as advertised. Two, maybe three foam pads down to this temperature. I've used the same bag with the overbag to -11°F, and once again, worked as advertised.


  • Honest temperature ratings
  • Manages moisture


  • Hood needs to be re-designed for a person not wearing a helmet
  • Heavy/bulky
  • Doesn't come with a baffle across your chest

If you stuff your wet gear by your feet, they'll be dry in the morning, and you'll have a ring of ice surrounding the outside of the bags footbox

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $155 for zero degree, $135 for overbag w/ shipping

I bought the bag (with the overbag) a couple of years ago. I have been very happy with it. I have never measured the loft because I don't care. I do care that it has kept me warm down to zero. Of course I sleep warm to start with. About six weeks ago I had the opportunity to try it with the over bag at -25 outside. I cinched the opening down around my mouth and slept warm all night. I had a thick pad under me. It was cold getting into a bag that was chilled to -25, but I warmed it up in about five minutes. I woke up with a ring of ice from my breath around the opening to the bag. It also has more room than other mummy bags I have tried. I think it is a keeper.

Design: wide, tall mummy
Fill: Lamalite
Temperature Rating: 0
Weight: 4 lbs?
Price Paid: $166?

I was looking to supplement my venerable Trailwise down bag purchased in 1982. I learned of Wiggy's from Alaskan survival instructor Chris Janowskie of WSI. I purchased the Superlite at less than 1/2 the outlay for my second choice. Upon arrival I repeated Chris's field test by entering the bag in the shallow end of my swimming pool. Once it was thoroughly soaked I climbed out and lay next to a pretty blond. She gave me a cold look and left. The bag however began to warm up to me.

I then washed and dried the bag per instructions and weighed it packed in the substantial stuff sack. My unit is an extra long narrow. A calibrated market scale gave a reading of 4lbs. The same blonde was buying Shittake mushrooms and left quickly. Packed dimensions are @ 19"x10" Yeah, it's big, but I do a lot of horsepacking and my mare (a redhead) likes it better than the buffalo robe or traditional canvas bedroll Granddad used. I was thrown by a green horse (Palomino) and landed badly on my using arm. The wiggie came sailing after me. That huge zipper everybody hates was easy to open and close with my left arm. Local temps were dropping to 40 Fahrenheit when I was found. Thats in the temperature range most people die from hypothermia.

I'm getting the overbag and won't mind that zipper on any warm summer night. Wiggy gives a lifetime garantee. Most merchants have a funny idea of lifetime. My muffler shop got nasty when my 500,000 mile+ Volvo ate 3 mufflers. I'll be quite happy if my wiggys lasts as long as my old Trailwise. I'll probably just buy a new one in 2022.

Design: mummy
Fill: Lamilite
Temperature Rating: 0 F
Weight: 4
Price Paid: $166 delivered

This bag is rated to O F and is a solid choice for those who don't mind a little extra bulk compared to a down bag. I recently used this bag on a early spring trip to the Smokies and had the chance to try it out in 10-15 F weather on top of Clingman's dome (we were forced to bivouac there) after a wet day on the trails. The bag was damp when I crawled in but kept me warm throughout the night. When I woke the next morning I was warm and dry inside the bag and the thermometer was at 12 F inside the tent.

Design: mummy
Fill: Lamilite (proprietary fill)
Temperature Rating: 0 F
Weight: 4 lbs
Price Paid: $166


  • The bag kept me warm from just below my knees and was nice and toasty.


  • The bag did not keep my feet warm and it is a 0° bag and it was only 30° last night here in SE Ohio.

Bag failed to keep my feet warm at 30 degrees and you saw on different sites where people were having the same issue with the newer bags now. The older ones don't have that trouble. There is just not enough installation in the foot area in the new ones.

Texted Jerry Wigutow about it and he had a very negative response about, told me first off get in a tent on a pad, then he told me to get a pair of booties. Then I sent him copies of other sites having the same trouble because he said he never had it before and I proved to him he did. Instead of saying hey send it back and you will fix the problem and all that required would a little more installation, but instead he read my reply then blocked me from his site.

So if you read this, Jerry Wigutow, you will be getting a letter from me through the courts asking it to be made right. So far to me his word is no good and his guarantee is no good either. So the rest of you out there that I read having the same trouble with this you should tell Jerry Wigutow about it. If you did and got nowhere let people know.


Not good

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $160

I purchased a Wiggy Ultima Thule less than a year ago. It was not very lofty when I got it out of the box. When I called Wiggy I was told that I must be mistaken about the loss of loft, because lamilite never loses its loft. I was assured that if I washed it the loft would come back. It didn't.

On the Backpacker Trail Talk Forum I observed how Jerry Wigutow used the information he had on another customer to stalk him down. He then published his name and address when he wanted posted a derogatory report on his bag and wanted a replacement bag. Since then the poor guy has gotten obscene phone calls and no end threats and harassment from Jerry. I am due to deploy soon so I can't risk pushing the issue. I won't be here in the States to protect my family from the obscene phone calls that seem to beset anyone who says bad things about Jerry's stuff if he knows who you are.

Some customers seem to get a good bag, but if you get a bad one you don't dare do anything about it for fear of seeing your personnel file all over the Internet. In talking to Jerry I am absolutely convinced he has no conscience and can justify anything he does in his own mind.

Unless you are willing to take a chance on the mood Jerry is in, or the quality of his bag that day, I would recommend you buy something else. His sleeping bags, attitude and service are a tremendous disappointment. What kind of a sleeping bag manufacturer goes after a soldier's family if he says bad things about his product?

Design: Mummy
Fill: Lamilite
Weight: 5lbs
Price Paid: $166

I purchased a Wiggy's Ultralight bag and for the first couple of times out in the White Mountains it seemed to live up to its temperature claims and ability to stay dry and remove condensation in a humid environment. I thought that I had finally found a good bag. A few months later a began to notice a considerable loss in loft. The bag started out with a stated 6.0" of loft and one year later and seven camping trips has a tough time lofting to 3.0" The last time I used this temperature rated 0 deg F. bag it was 30 Degs. F. and I was cold.

Don't believe the hype of fast talking of Wiggy. This bag is a poor choice. It will not hold up with moderate use and is very heavy. I had to purchase a new bag for backpacking this year. I went with a Western Mountaineering down bag and so far have been very pleased. The Wiggy's bag is said to have a lifetime guarentee, but based on all the bad email I had read about Wiggy's refusal to honnor such guarentee's and the amount of verbal abuse and hassle I have decided to use the bag for my dogs shelter in out back yard. Looks like a just got taken by Wigg!y

Design: Long wide body
Fill: Lamilite
Temperature Rating: 0 F
Weight: 5lbs.
Price Paid: $166

This bag is the best 0 degree bag I have ever slept in. I have slept outside on some very cold nights this winter, and this bag kept me toasty all night long. I sleep warm, and did stay cozy at 10 below (I had a pretty thick pad under me.) The lamilite takes a few minutes to warm up, but after that, it stays warm. The zippers are killer, and I am guessing will never wear out.

The best thing about this bag? You can launder it and the loft comes back. How TNF's can you say that about??

The downside? It is a bit bulky at almost 4 lbs.

Design: Mummy
Fill: Lamilite
Temperature Rating: 0
Weight: 4 lbs
Price Paid: $166

Most sleeping bag temperature ratings are completely unrealistic. Wiggy loudly proclaims to be the antidote. I bought a SuperLight rated at 0 degrees F and I began to get cold at 30 degrees F under ideal conditions. Being 30 degrees off is only slightly less wacky than everybody else. The bag's design is clunky, and expensive for what it is.

If you read all the online forums which attempt to discuss Wiggy's bags (and one major gear forum has now banned the subject) you will frequently encounter flame wars directed at those who offer anything less than a glowing review. I can tell you from personal experience that Wiggy goes ballistic at the drop of a hat.

If you are contemplating doing business with Wiggy, you have to decide for yourself whether all of Wiggy's critics are out to get him, or just trying to warn you.

An appeal that is frequently made by Wiggy's apologists is to separate the man from the product (i.e. unstable man, good product). But the product is not that great, and contrary to what Wiggy promises, his Lamilite (Climashield) bags do not defy the laws of physics. They will lose their loft over time just like every other synthetic insulation.

Wiggy makes a big deal out of his lifetime warranty, but do you really want to be the one to suggest that one of his bags is not perfect? He has been known to take this personally.

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Price MSRP: $218.00
Historic Range: $185.24
Reviewers Paid: $140.00-$179.00
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