DutchWare Flyz Grill Top

If you already have a compact wood stove like a TATO Gear Element I recently reviewed and you think you'd enjoy a grilled bit of protein that 1st evening out, you might want to consider a grill top that almost doesn't tip the scales at all.
- Weight
- Fresh grilled meat
- Size
Can you find room for a 2 mm thick piece of 4" x 4" grill top that weighs barely over an ounce? Do you currently use a wood or twig stove? Do you enjoy a small steak or other grilled meat? If you answered yes to any of those questions Dutch over at Dutchware has a grill top made of titanium.
Evidently Dutch didn't like tossing titanium scraps or the scrappers weren't paying enough for it. Whatever the reason you just might be the winner here. Because Dutch has made a grill out of the scraps he makes his legendary (at least to the ham mocking community) tarp hanging hardware the Tarp Flyz from.
The Dutch Flyz grill will cook anything you like as long as it fits on the 4" square, but be aware that this grill top is a free floating grill top and will require a 2 handed or 2 tool approach to grilling. I've enjoyed a small fillet, hamburger, chicken and dogs/sausages with the 1.1 oz. wonder. And while I did say enjoy turning the steak, burgers and chicken were a little bit of a chore with the sliding grill top. But with a little determination and forethought it's completely doable. And that is where the dogs have the advantage as it takes little coordination or forethought, just keep em rolling and you're golden.
Just for grins I seasoned my grill in the gas grill like you would a cast iron skillet. And I've seen no damage or deterioration to the grill with repeated use.
But seriously it's a 4" square that weighs 1.1 oz., I've got no complaints other than I heard double versions are now available by special order and one can now gang together a couple of stoves. But a double grill would have to be very serviceable over a couple of well placed rocks.
The Dutch Flyz seems nearly indestructible and I couldn't imagine anything in most packs bending or breaking the grill. I just shove mine in the same bag I carry my TATO Gear Element in and it's barely perceptible in bulk and weight.
Now go get grilling with this grill top that excels for solo trips, or when you want to cook a steak while your best hiking buddy "enjoys" his mountain house.
Source: bought it new
Price Paid: Introductory price of $9
I have several of these. Very handy with my antique camp stoves (Optimus 8R and Optimus 111). Really does the trick when you need to use a small pot or mug.
- Indestructible
- Lightweight
- Got to use gloves or pot holder
I am a collector of antique camping stoves (mostly kerosene but some liquid fuel and gas cartridge). Most of these stoves work well with medium size pots but have issues with small pots and mugs. This product fills the bill perfectly and is easy to include with the stove. The grill is made of titanium so makes a very lightweight and nearly indestructible grill.
I use it with my Optimus 8R and Optimus 111 stoves. It packs up inside of the stove case.
Source: bought it new