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rated 5.0 of 5 stars

GrubPack is no longer in business, and the GrubPack has been discontinued. If you're looking for something new, check out the best food bags for 2024.

photo: GrubPack  food bag

I have a large Grubpack. It heldprovisions for 3 people for 3 days and 2 nights. We hiked the Grand Canyon from Hermit Trail to S Kiabab via the Tonto in May of this year. We had plenty of mice and other small animals, especially at Monument. It was our first time there.

I was forewarned about the rodent problem on various forums. I found the Grubpack online. Ordered one and had it here (Montana) in about 4 days. It looks just like they show on the website.

I did order mine with the inner pouch. It was handy for our used wrappers/trash. It's a very good bag and I thought the price was very fair for the size. We had room to spare, but I think the medium would have been a little too small for our group.

I would not hesitate to recommend it to a friend.

I read reviews on Trailspace and various backpacking forum topics regarding these wire mesh food bags. I looked at Grubpack and Outsack. They are pretty much the same thing. They use a steel wire mesh to form the bag and a wide velcro strip at the top to close it. The real difference is price.

I compared their large size bags. Not only did Grubpack cost less, but it shipped free. I saved about $14 over the Outsack price. I ordered online and had it about 3 days later. I've had my Grupack on 2 trips now. It works great. I've hiked in Southwest areas notorious for mice, chipmunks and ravens. Not one single invader in my food supply!

I also appreciate the white belting and thread they use. White has more UV resistance than black. I am totally happy with my Grubpack, and I highly recommend it.

Price Paid: $32.99

I've had my Grubpack for about 5 or 6 months. I have the small one. I've used it for 1 and 2 night treks. I have zero complaints. It does what it says it will do.

I had mice all over it on the Tonto Trail (Grand Canyon), but none got into my food. It's a well constructed little bag. Price is really reasonable for the quality of the product. I wish I had bought the medium size, but I guess that was my mistake.

I gave it 5 stars because I can't think of anything wrong with it. My buddy just ordered a medium size one this morning for our next trip to Zion later this month.

Price Paid: $29.99

I bought a GrubPack in '08. Bought it for a Grand Canyon trip. I have the small one with the extra inside pocket. The pocket is a good feature. I put my trash food wrappers in the pocket just to keep things orderly.

I've used the bag 3 or 4 times now. Have not had any intruders get into my food, so I'm a happy girl. It's lighter weight than I expected, so that was nice too.

Price Paid: About $30

I bought the GrubPack ultra light model. I have used it for 3 or 4 weekend trips on the AT. 

It works great. The mice scurry about on it, but have never chewed through the metal netting.

My bag holds enough for me for a two day outing. It's simple to use. Well built. No problems. Great product.

Price Paid: About $30 with free shipping

I ended up getting a GrubPack. Similar to the Outsak, but less money. It's great. They have a helpful website too:

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Price Reviewers Paid: $29.99-$32.99
Small "A" 5" x 18", 1,178 cubic inches, 6 oz ($29.99)
Medium "B" 20" x 18", 1,684 cubic inches, 8.5 oz ($32.99)
Large "C" 26" x 18", 2,300 cubic inches, 11 oz ($35.99)