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Herman Big Timber II

rated 2.5 of 5 stars
photo: Herman Big Timber II footwear product

I have never heard of Herman boots till Wal-Mart started selling them a few years back. And I always swore I would never wear a Wal-Mart boot to begin with. I have always wore Red Wings or Rocky work boots. Because I have one leg slightly shorter than the other from an accident I need comfortable boots to not make my hip hurt or my knee. I have to replace my boots every 5 to 6 months anyway.

I recently decided to buy a pair of the Big Timber II boots. And they are the most comfortable boots I have ever worn. The only only pair I have ever worn that don't cause pain in my hip at the end of the day. And if they fall apart like some others have had problems with. It's okay. I will buy another pair. It's worth it to me to be hip and knee pain free at the end of the work day.

Price Paid: $49.50

For the price, Big Timber boots are very hard to beat.


  • Warm with a pair of light to medium socks.
  • Comfortable
  • Inexpensive.


  • Could use a better insole.

I have been buying Big Timber boots from Wal-Mart for many years. I am a self employed mechanic by trade, do a lot of carpentry / construction work from time to time, and have my own commercial snowplow business as well.

I buy them 3 or 4 pairs at a time in the fall, then I phase each pair into wearing over the 4 to 6 months after purchase. I keep the old pairs behind the seat in my truck in case the pair I am wearing gets wet, also a pair at my shop. Also keep an old pair by the door with no laces in them as outdoor slippers!

I have never owned an expensive pair of boots that last any longer, or are anywhere near as comfortable as the Big Timber. I waterproof them a few times in the year or two I wear them, put a gel insole in them when new, and wear the heck put of them.

Near the end the inner liner does tend to wear through, but they have been on and off my feet many many times at that point. The soles of mine hold up very well.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $59

I am a regular buyer of this product. I also have been raised in these boots. During my up bringing hunting was pleasure in a pair of Herman boots. Now that I am in the work fors=ce I depend on a good pair of boots. I have owned quite a number of pairs of the Big Timber II boots. That should tell you something.

At first I thought it was me being so hard on these boots, but seeing now that I got on this web site and read the info I now know that it appears to be the boot that has let me down. I feel that a few simple improvements would again put these boots back in high standings with its loyal buyers.

A plate in the sole at the bending point would be a positive improvement and a more durable sole that does not wear down so fast and expose that soft interior would also be a plus.

Let's get together and come up with a new way to improve a boot that most of us grew up with, even if the price goes up some, and remember some not a lot. I spend about 15 to 17 hours a day maybe more in these boots. In general they are a great boot, please hold on to a legend and improve this boot.

Break-in Period: couple of days
Weight: 192
Price Paid: $53

These are the biggest pieces of crap ever made for feet!! I have complained to Walmart and asked them if they would remove them from the shelves so no other poor saps like me will come along and waste their hard earned money on these boots.

I was dumb enough to buy 3 pairs thinking it was a fluke the first time and then maybe it was me the second time. So, now I'm on my third and the same exact thing.. the boot soles split in the middle all the way down to my new socks that I also purchased from Walmart.

If this store had any kind of heart they would quit selling faulty products especially if the customers load the internet with blogs and complaints about specific items. But no, they keep on selling them and then when people ask them to get their money back they say only if you have a receipt.

Well that's also a load of crap. Because where else are you going to buy these junky boots, when Walmart bought the company and they are being mass produced by good ole China. "WALMART, AN AMERICAN ICON" Right.

I should have bought an expensive pair of boots from real boot maker that stands up to their American made product and will fix your problems without hassles.

Materials: Junk
Use: Work
Break-in Period: Not enough time to break in before they just broke
Weight: ???
Price Paid: Too much

These boots will last, and for the price they can’t be beat.


  • Can’t kill them!
  • Tough material, waterproof for a long time.


  • Only downside to these boots is when they are BRAND NEW the leather is still stiff and may make the back of your ankles sore for a bit. Once they break in it goes away.

Not sure what the fuss is about these boots. This is my second or third pair and have worn these same boots for roughly 10-12 years. My current pair is on year 4!

I have done landscaping, construction, traveling across Europe and the U.S. These are my ONLY shoes I wear and have never let me down. The only reason I’m getting another pair now is because I’m going to Ireland and don’t want to destroy the current boots from rain due to finally wearing the weatherproof coating off.

I always have insoles put in so they are comfortable no matter what. Great boots, hope they keep making them or else I’ll have to stock up! 


10+ years wearing the same model!

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $58

I have found the Herman survivors to be about the most dependable boot out there, on the average boot level. I quite honestly would be viewed as hard on boots. My employment requires good grip, steel toes, oil resistance, and easy unlacing. I do an extreme amount of bending the foot, as I work on oil furnaces and boilers, and encounter much rough terrain, as well as exposure to rain, sun, sand, cement, and oils.

I honestly have not tried higher end boots, as I fear they will come apart in 6 months, which is about the maximum lifespan I get out of boots.

The two areas of weakness I see are the leather on the front over the steel toes wears out quickly and the sole breaks all the way across just behind the steel toe. I have to wear the lighter soles because I am in a lot of peoples homes and the dark soles leave marks, that can be a real pain to clean up.

Materials: Leather
Use: Work
Break-in Period: 1week
Price Paid: $65


  • all around durability


  • the only thing is under the steel toe the material wears away and it is sock vs. steel

I have had my first pair almost a year and the only problem was that the material under the steel toe is gone, so now if i even wear a new pair of socks my toenail slices a hole in them and that's with the toenail cut and filed! Outside of that never had a problem with the soles cracking.

In my opinion an awesome boot, more comfortable than Tims, Redwings, any other boot i have worn, i mean right out of the box!!!

I've been a welder for 15 years and I've got to say for $50 you can't beat them with any other boot, even if they last 3 months. I still have my old ones and just bought a new pair today. Will keep the old ones for around the house and the new for work. Keep making them the way you are, Herman!!!!

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $53 and some change

Very comfortable boots that have served me well. I would recommend them to anyone.


  • Comfortable
  • Very durable
  • Price


  • A little hot

A received these boots four years ago as a gift. I don't wear them in the summer because they are too hot. However, I've worn them every fall and winter for four straight years and they still have a lot of life left.

They have kept my feet dry in two feet of snow and even help with my knee and back pain. The sole is still in almost perfect condition. The only thing showing any wear is the lining under the steel toe.

I would recommend these boots to anyone. I love them.

Source: received it as a personal gift

These are about the most comfortable boots you can buy. However the bottom of the boot across the ball of your feet does tend to split wide open after about 6 months of use...but for the price of the boot and the right out of box comfort I believe it is well worth it.

I get about 1 year out of these boots..maybe a year and a half if I really stretch it and don't mind coming home with wet feet on days it rains. If they could get the splitting of the bottom fixed they would be perfect and i would get more then one year out of them...

You get what you pay for, and for the price of these boots...they are will worth it. They are the only boots i have owned..that I can walk around my home after work and look down and be like "Wow I forgot I still had my boots on"

Materials: Leather
Use: Work 6 days a week
Break-in Period: 1 day at the most
Weight: Very light

I am so disappointed in this shoe Big Timber II because it came so recommended from many friends a few months ago. I work really hard for my money and to purchase this boot and have it fall apart on me in just 3 1/2 months is a shame. I have to purchase another pair of boots that will protect my feet that are durable.

The problem with this steel toe boot is the tongue ripped within the first week on the right boot. About two weeks later the other tongue ripped. Then to top it off in about 3 months the right boot's sole had cracked and the littlest water puddle I walked in my foot would get wet.

I'm so mad at this company because they had a reputation that was great. Now I will go back to my Timberland boots. And that's that. Have a good one... Go Timberland Boots. Go Redwing Boots.

G M Jordan, Passaic, New Jersey

Materials: Leather
Use: work
Break-in Period: tongue ripped in first week
Weight: 250 lbs. me 6-7 lbs. boot
Price Paid: $55

I'm a well driller by trade for the past 22 years and I am in the back woods using a chainsaw to get my drill rig into the job. Then I'm in mud and water after that all day long.

I will tell you now, I've had Red Wings, the Timberlands, and every other overpriced boot made by man you can think of and none of them have lasted me more than 6 months. Now mix that with the fact Herman Survivors Big Timber II are more comfortable than the others and they as well only last me six months.

Why spend $250 for a boot that lasts as long as a $50 dollar pair of boots that are more comfortable? I'm sorry but a "Brand Name" doesn't keep my feet warm and dry.

I have been and will continue to buy Herman Survivors for years to come or until I croak.


Rick McCall
Plymouth, Ma.

Price Paid: $50

I have worn these boots exclusively for work as a truck driver for over 10 years. I have never had the soles break across the middle although the inner liner does crack after a year or so, I wear thick socks so this is merely a slight annoyance.

These are by far the most comfortable boots I have ever worn. I wrote a letter to Red Wing asking them why for 5 times as much they couldn't produce as comfortable a product here in America, as I have a pair them as well.

The Big Timber II's definitely do not last anywhere near the length of harder less comfortable boots, but foot comfort is a big part of a working day for me and no other boot for any price I've tried matches them.

Materials: leather
Use: trucker
Break-in Period: none - feel great when you try them on new
Weight: me 250 the boots ?? - lighter than Red Wings
Price Paid: $49

I absolutely love these boot and I'm devastated they aren't being sold anymore. I do concrete and I've had three pair, each pair last at least two years. No exaggeration.


  • Very durable
  • Comfortable
  • Look amazing


  • I can't find them anywhere

If anyone has a new size 13 of this boot please email me @

I love this boot and I really would love to find a few pair. Please help.

Source: bought it new

I bought a Big Timber II Work Boot on 14 Sep 08. Although, it is a good wearing boot, the soles do not stand up very well. Working HAVAC related jobs, it gets very damp to a little muddy sometimes.

Just a little over 6 1/2 months the sole on the left boot split across the middle. Of course damp or wet ground gets socks wet. Very satisfied with the boots until they split. No manufacture's info so no one to write to or call. WalMart simply states must go to the manufacture.

Under mild work environment, boots should last at least a year or two. Expect the soles and heals to wear but, not split in half. Paperwork states "Satisfaction Guaranteed" you just have to find out with WHO???

Materials: Steel Toe
Use: normal work
Break-in Period: 2 weeks
Weight: approx 8 lbs
Price Paid: $60

They used to be great. Now they are poorly made, and I will be going elsewhere for boots.


  • The box


  • The boot

They used to be a very durable boot. The pair I recently purchased, one of the eyes would break off every time I laced them. Now there are none!

I need a good quality boot for my job, so does every worker. I used to stand by these boots. Now I will have to go elsewhere.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $89

I just recently bought a pair of the Big Timber II. They are extremely comfortable. I have heard that the soles do not last. but for the money, what do you expect. I do not do any construction or any rough labor. however i am always on my feet.

I also live in Florida and am a harcore tampa bay angler. I'm a broke college student and can't afford a boat, hence why i do all my fishing inshore. i am constantly having to walk through places where it's much safer to have a nice strong boot. but well see how they hold up. cant beat the price.

Materials: leather
Use: fishing/trails
Price Paid: $49

Bottoms fell apart in 3 months.


  • were comfy for the first 2 months


  • the bottoms looked like someone graded them and soles fell apart

Well I bought my first pair and from people that tell me how good they are, I'm very disappointed. The first month the sole started peeling off and looked like the bottoms had been walked out of them, for work boots I would never buy them again! After more time has passed they looked like I walked on a grader, the soles peeled and part of the bottom let loose...never again.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $49.99

I bought my Herman Big Timber II boots thinking I'd at least get a year out of them and after three months the sole split at the ball of the shoe.

I went back to Walmart in Washington, Pa. And was offered 10% off another pair of junk boots. This is why I no longer buy shoes for my family at wally world.

I should have bought a good American made boot instead of wasting my hard earned money on the imported junk.

Be American.. Buy American!
I learned my lesson the hard way.


Materials: I think it's leather.
Use: It would have been work.
Break-in Period: Only lasted 3 months.
Weight: Rather heavy. Not sure how much they weigh.
Price Paid: $65

I needed a pair of steel toe work boots for a new job that required them. I normally buy Red Wings, but didn't have time, and extra money to buy them. I went to Walmart shopping and they had Herman Survivors in steel toes and knowing their reputation, I bought a pair Big Timber II.

They fit ok,l ooked good but after the 90 day return limit the sole on the left boot cracked. Walmart won't take care of it! No more Hermans for me.

Materials: leather
Use: work
Break-in Period: a few weeks
Weight: 168
Price Paid: $50

This boot is very comfortable and it's hard to have to give a bad review. I'm retired military and have worn boots for 20+ years. But unfortunately the sole on this boot split on the left boot and they are only 3 months old.

I'm now a traveling technician for a wind turbine service provider and had to purchase another pair of boots and I'm not happy with them. But maybe they will last longer than the Hermans did.

Materials: leather
Use: Climbing wind turbines to service them
Break-in Period: 3 months
Weight: Who's?
Price Paid: $50-60

Not comfortable anymore.


  • The upper part of the boot is the same


  • They should have never changed the sole

Went to purchase my yearly pair of boots come to find out they change the sole to a solid rubber instead of cork with a rubber overlay. They are very uncomfortable now. The sole may last longer, but what's the point if your feet are sore all day?


Have been wearing them for the last 20 years.

Source: bought it new
Price Paid: $58

I thought it was still a quality product as was Herman's products back in the 80's. At first they were extremely comfortable. I added an insole and they were awesome.

Then the honeymoon ended. The inside line began to tear and pulled out every time I took them off and now the soles cracked and split. I guess things like this are to be expected when you have your product manufactured overseas in China.

Price Paid: $49.99

I have bought this same style before and had no problem. I needed a new pair so I figured no problem buying the same ones, but then when I put them on the steel toe part was pushing into my toe on the left foot. I took them back thinking maybe it was just the shoe but the next pair was the same way.

I'm very disappointed in the Herman boots. For years the product was made to last. I purchased 2 pairs of boots from Walmart recently, and both pairs the soles of the boot split in the same spot. I will never again purchase another pair. Very disappointed in them.

Use: work boots
Break-in Period: less than 3 months
Price Paid: $45

After using these boots for about 4 months the soles are already falling apart and I will soon be forced to buy a new pair. This is not at all what I have come to expect from Herman Survivors after wearing this brand for about the last 6 years.

Materials: Leather
Use: Work
Break-in Period: None
Weight: 1.5 lbs
Price Paid: $54.95

I have owned these boots for over a year and they work just fine for me. I go through boots like nothing so I would rather pay 50 dollars for Walmart boots than 200 for some other brand.

Materials: leather
Use: work
Break-in Period: a week
Price Paid: about $50

I'm an installer for a phone company and they require steel toe for my job.

These boots last about 2 years before they fall apart, but the price is right.

Use: working 70 hours a week for 2 years straight
Break-in Period: 2 weeks
Weight: heavy as sin
Price Paid: 80$

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Price MSRP: $53.87
Reviewers Paid: $45.00-$89.00
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