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Energia Hexa-Pot

rated 0.5 of 5 stars
photo:   Energia Hexa-Pot pot/pan

Energia's Hexa-Pot is a product that truly fails on every conceivable level. From marketing claims to performance, nothing about this product is worth adding to your backpack.


  • um...


  • Not ultra-light (as claimed)
  • Not eco-friendly (as claimed)
  • Not functional

It is rare that I so thoroughly discount a product. However, I honestly can't find anything positive to say about this product. It's claims are disingenuous. Its execution is abysmal. To explain....

I. Disingenuous Marketing Claims


From Hexa-Pot packaging...

Hexa-Pot is an easy to use ultra-light and 100% biodegradable backpacking cookware for outdoor advanced style of backpacking or hiking. By carrying lighter and more multi-purpose cookware, ultra-light backpackers are frequently able to cover longer distances per day with less wear and tear on the body. This is particularly useful when thru-hiking a long-distance trail. The Hexa-Pot is eco-friendly and will biodegrade within 24-36 months, when disposed in an appropriate environment. The Hexa-Pot material technology was developed to provide an environmentally and eco-friendly responsible solution to maintain a sustainable world for future generations.

So much of this copy is bunk that I'll only tackle a few...

1. Hexa-Pot is NOT ultra-light. 

2. Hexa-Pot is NOT multi-purpose

Two Hexa-Pots weigh in at 130 grams. By comparison my 400ml Evernew Titanium Mug is 70 grams (yeah, my scale numbers are a bit unclear). Let's be clear here. The Hexa-Pot only is intended for boiling water or heating wet food, the same as my mug. I'm not doing any real cooking with either unit. However, the Hexa-Pot is a single-use item. This means if I am heating water twice per day (breakfast and dinner), then every day I am using 130g of paper instead of carrying and using the same 70g cup. 




3. Hexa-Pot is NOT for thru-hiking a long-distant trail. 

On a 7-day hike, using Hexa-Pots means I'm carrying 2 pounds of "ultra-light" pots. Additionally, if I have cooked wet food in the pots, then Leave No Trace etiquette would demand I pack out the used pots with me. I'm carrying more weight after every meal, instead of less.

And...what about resupply? I don't have to replace my metal pot unless some kind of accident occurs. 

4. Hexa-Pot is NOT eco-friendly. 

I've carried my Evernew mug for three years. I will be carrying my mug in another 3three years. In fact, it's quite possible that I'll be using it 30 years from now. 

How much energy will be used to produce the same amount of Hexa-Pots I will need for the same amount of uses? How many trees will be harvested? How much fuel to transport resupplies? 

II. Abysmal Execution

The first thing that surprised me was that the Hexa-Pot would not unfold well. Even getting really aggressive in trying to set it up, this was the best I could get it to unfold. 


Even with the lid on, the Hexa-Pot seemed ready to fold in on itself. My thought was that in the field, filled with water exerting outward pressure, the Hexa-Pot would fold out better. This was not the case.


In the field, the design flaws worsened. As soon as the Hexa-Pot was set on my MSR Pocket Rocket it began to sag on all four corners. 


I snapped a couple of pictures, even as I thought, "If I don't take this off that stove quickly, it's going to spill." ...too late.


Fortunately, I was carrying my mug (bottom right), and I didn't go hungry that night!

As I hiked home that weekend, I considered using the second Hexa-Pot over a low fire to see how it performs. And then I thought, "Why bother?" This product is a failure, and it doesn't need further testing.

I keep thinking about what Energia could do to make this product worthwhile, but all I can come up with is a metal pot. This is simply a product that wasn't needed. 

You'll find these listed on Amazon for $7 per pair (meaning a 10-day supply will cost more than a titanium mug!). Don't waste your money. 

Source: received it as a sample, freebie, or prize (Trailspace had it in a pile of sample gear and asked if I wanted to try it.)

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