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It's time for a Break

by Alicia MacLeay
September 30, 2011

Me, resting, after my first 50K this month.

Every day I know I'm quite lucky to work on Trailspace, a site that melds my personal interests—getting outdoors and being active—with my professional interests—creating and sharing content with our community members. At times it can be hard work, but it's something I personally believe in and the members always make it worthwhile (thanks!).

But, everyone needs a break now and then—on the trail, during a climb—to rest and regroup and head out again stronger and more clear-headed than ever. So for the next two months I'm taking a short sabbatical from my role as editor of Trailspace.

I have no grand plans for my time off, and I deliberately have not pre-planned my activities (odds are they'll still include some trail running, hiking, and writing, perhaps even more than usual).

Rather, for one of the first times in my life, I'm being unplanned and taking the time to decide what I want to do next. (I expect there may be some withdrawal symptoms during the adjustment phase.)

I plan to be back at Trailspace in December. In the meantime, I know the site will continue to be served well by Dave, Seth, our community moderators, and you, our community members. See you back here in a while.